With NextRequest’s RapidReview module, you can organize, collaborate on, and redact large numbers of documents. It is particularly useful for requests for emails, but it can also help save time and effort on any request with many potential responsive documents. RapidReview is an add-on module and is not included in the regular NextRequest license. If you are interested in a trial of RapidReview, contact NextRequest Support.
You can also view our RapidReview Webinar for more information.
Article Navigation
- Launch RapidReview
- Document Cards & Actions
- Move Documents Between Stages
- Work with Folders in RapidReview
- Redact Documents in RapidReview
- Zip Files in NextRequest
- Release Documents to a Requesters
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Launch RapidReview
RapidReview is accessible on any request that is open and has documents added in the Documents tab. To upload documents to work with in RapidReview, just upload them using the normal method. Once there are documents on a request, you’ll see the Launch Rapid Review icon.
Document Cards
A document card is a box that each document occupies in any given list of documents. When you click on a card, you can view the document in the viewer to the right. At the top of each card you can see the following information:
- The upload date
- Whether the document is batch redactable
- Type of document (PDF, TXT, PST, ZIP, PNG, etc)
Document Card Actions
Each card when you hover over it, has a series of icons on the right side that represent different actions you can take on that individual document.
- Change Stage (chart icon): Move the document from one stage to another
- Edit (pencil icon): Change the document title
More Actions (ellipsis): Select to open a drop-down with additional actions
- Move to folder: Move the document to a different/new folder
- Delete file: Remove the file from the request
- Download file: Save a copy of the file to your computer
- Flatten file: Reduce the document's size
Bulk Actions
The icons above the list of documents represent the actions you can take on multiple documents at a time.
- Checkbox: The checkbox allows you to select all the documents in the list at once (you can manually uncheck any you want to leave out of the selection). You’ll need to check this box and or manually select which documents you want before clicking the other icons.
- Change Stage: The change stage icon allows you to move a selection of documents from one stage to another (such as unprocessed to needs redaction)
- Move to Folder: The folder icon allows you to create a folder and move a selection of documents into it at one time
- Batch Redact: The wrench icon allows you to manually redact a selection of documents (as you would in the standard NextRequest redaction tool).
- Extract Files: The document with the arrow icon allows you to extract multiple files at once.
- Delete Files: The trash can icon allows you to delete a selection of documents at once.
- Download Files: The download icon allows you to download a selection of documents at once.
Move Documents Between Stages
Documents can be moved into different stages, each of which corresponds to a different step in a typical responsive documents workflow. Other users working on the request can view documents in each stage and take action as needed. The stages are represented as tabs on the top of the screen within the RapidReview tool. The stages are Unprocessed, Non-Responsive, Needs Redaction, Redacted, Ready for Release, and Originals.
Work with Folders in RapidReview
Documents can be organized into folders within RapidReview just like they can be on the regular request page. Any folders that were created directly on the request will also show in RapidReview. When a PST file is extracted, each email will be placed in a folder with the same name along with any attachments.
Redact Documents in RapidReview
As part of working with documents in RapidReview, you can redact individual documents or batch-redact multiple documents. Unlike in the regular redaction tool, any redactions you make will first be saved as a draft version. You can also add comments to a document while redacting. Draft redactions and comments can be reviewed by yourself and others at a later point before the redactions are finalized.
Review the Redact Documents in RapidReview to learn more about redacting individual documents.
Zip Files in NextRequest
If you are releasing a large number of documents you may find it convenient to zip them up into a single file first. This will give the requester a single file that they can download and unzip on their computer to view all their responsive documents.
Review the Zip Files in RapidReview article for more information on how to create ZIP files.
Release Documents to Requesters
Once you are done preparing your responsive documents you can release them to the requester directly in RapidReview. Documents can also be released directly from the request, however, in that view you won’t be able to see which stage they are or if they have draft redactions.
For more information on releasing documents to requesters, review the Release Documents with RapidReview article.
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