You can search for specific data in Rapid Review with Redaction Patterns. With RapidReview you can search for email addresses, phone numbers, Social Security Numbers (SSN), dates, and zip codes by default.
Did you know you can create custom redaction patterns to locate the specific information you need to redact? For example, maybe you don't need to redact all email addresses in a document, only the addresses that do not belong to public employees. You can do this with custom search patterns. Custom search patterns are created with regular expressions.
A regular expression, or regex, is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. Usually, such patterns are used by string searching algorithms for "find" or "find and replace" operations on strings, or for input validation.
Important Note
Use custom search patterns at your own risk. NextRequest support cannot debug your regular expression/redaction pattern if it does not perform as expected. We always recommend testing before using custom searches on documents for a real request.
- Check out Regular Expressions 101 or Rubular to test your regular expressions before adding them to the portal.
- Test your pattern on realistic documents so you can be sure it will locate the data correctly.
- Log in to NextRequest as an Admin or Department Admin
Navigate to the Admin header and click Redaction Patterns in the drop-down
- Click Create Redaction Pattern
- Enter the Name of the pattern. This is what will be displayed in the drop-down menu in RapidReview.
- Enter the regular expression in the Redaction Pattern field
- Click Save
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